Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The world is coming to an end

Every Body is busy thinking about themselfs and their near and dear ones.. I wonder if any body shares a concern similar to mine.

I am concerned about the future of earth. What will hapen to us when the earth nears an end.

No I am not talking about the end that has million's years to come. And no i am not talking about a calamity like earth quake or a meteor strike.. I am talking about a more serious problems
  • of environment destruction that we are happily ignoring
  • of religious clashes that threaten our existance
  • of population explosion and that fight thats gonna brew up amonst us.
will the universe want to loose the only inteligent specie that survives till date.???Will the word life and all the words in the oxford dictionary cease to exist????

1 comment:

Rafiki said...

Interesting concerns. Now can we see what can be done about it?